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The FDIC Archive is a free, digital archive of publicly released documents produced by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). This online archive is composed of curated collections tailored for the research needs of the general public and the regulated community. This repository is retained indefinitely and is available for financial professionals, researchers, and the general public.

The FDIC Archive provides access to historical FDIC publications such as press releases, speeches and testimony, and documents prepared for the U.S. Congress. The FDIC Archive offers a historical perspective that was previously not available, including materials produced originally in print only and never previously digitized for public discovery.

As a fully-featured repository, the FDIC Archive provides the ability to search the full text of all documents, browse materials by subjects, and explore the curated collections of documents on relevant topics. Additional collections and ongoing additions to existing collections are planned for the future.

The FDIC makes no express or implied warranty regarding the information or data on the FDIC Archive, and hereby expressly disclaims all legal liability and responsibility to persons or entities who use or access this site and its content, based on their reliance on any information or data that is available through this website.

The information available on this website is not intended to constitute and should not be considered as legal advice, nor is it intended to substitute for obtaining legal advice from competent, independent, legal counsel in the relevant jurisdiction. Transmission and receipt of this information is not intended to create and does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. This website does not purport to provide or authoritatively interpret current federal statutes, regulations, orders or other federal authority, nor does it bind the FDIC or any other federal agency or entity with regard to the matters presented.

The content of this website is not designed or intended to provide authoritative financial, accounting, investment, or other professional advice which may be reasonably relied on by its readers. If expert assistance in this area is required, the services of a qualified professional should be sought.

The FDIC Archive provides links to other websites for convenience and informational purposes only. Users should be aware that when they select a link on the FDIC Archive to an external website, they are leaving the FDIC Archive. Linked sites are not under the control of FDIC, and FDIC is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites. FDIC is not responsible for any transmission received from a linked site. The inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement by FDIC of the site, its content, advertisers or sponsors. External sites may contain information that is copyrighted with restrictions on reuse. Permission to use copyrighted materials must be obtained from the original source and cannot be obtained from the FDIC.

Version 3.27.1